Solar modules made by class 4B IPSIA elettrici

Institute Checchi di Fucecchio (Florence)

Written by Giuseppe Seminara


This project was carried out by class 4B "IPSIA elettrici", Checchi di Fucecchio (Florence) institute, thanks to Paolo Fontanelli, electrical engineering teacher.
The project involved the construction of three solar panels, but unfortunately we made only two. To realize these modules, we bought all the materials from suppliers and built it during the morning lesson time, we start work by welding and assembly solar cells, like showed in the pictures below.

   Istituto Checchi di Fucecchio, fase di saldatura delle celle fotovoltaiche    Istituto Checchi di Fucecchio, fase di saldatura delle celle fotovoltaiche


 Istituto Checchi di Fucecchio, preparazione lavori per assemblaggio pannello kit fai da te MR WATT 
To realize the module we used a 4mm tempered glass both as support and as protection from rain / humidity / dust, and we have "framed" it with aluminum supports.

   Istituto Checchi di Fucecchio, celle saldate, pannello solare quasi pronto    Istituto checchi di Fucecchio, pannelli fotovoltaici completati

To show you how solar modules works, we installed a LED strip on institute lighting board, I.I.S A.CHECCHI.Thanks to a gel battery that is charged by solar module, LED lights are always on; In the night or shadow, when solar module can't recharge battery, the remaining power battery steadily supply LED lights, thus remember that solar modules main function is to recharge batteries.

Final personal considerations are that solar modules realization is not too difficult, there are many videos and articles on Internet, just serfing a while and will realize that isn't an impossible task, however we succeeded, having all the available material.

Very thanksful to MR WATT, the company that provided us solar cells and electronic parts and supported us in our initiative.